Henry Lee Lucas was born in Virginia in 1932. An unwanted
child, he was beaten regularly by his mother, who also beat his
crippled alcoholic father. He was often dressed as a girl, and forced
to watch his mother's activities as a prostitute. Malnourished and
uneducated, he never developed an ability to assign value to life.
As a teenager he reported having sex with his half-brother and with
animals whose throats they slit first.
Lucas became a career criminal and a drifter, claiming to have
first killed and raped a girl at the age of 15. He was in and out of
correctional institutes until 1960, when he stabbed his mother to
death in an argument. He was then sentenced to prison and later
to a psychiatric hospital, where he was diagnosed as a suicidal
psychopath, sadist, and sexual deviant. Despite this, he was
paroled in 1970, and went back to drifting. He acquired a friend and
partner in Ottis Toole, a dim-witted violent homosexual who
claimed many lives on his own, and a common-law wife in Toole's
niece, pre-teen Becky Powell. Together, Toole and Lucas claim to
have killed hundreds of people, of both sexes and various ages.
In 1983. Lucas was arrested for carrying a gun and a religious
conversion led him to confess to multiple murders. He was convicted
of two killings, those of Becky Powell, whom he stabbed after
an argument, and an elderly widow whom they had been hired to
care for. Lucas then led officers to grave sites in several states,
volunteering details that allowed many homicides and missing
persons cases to be closed. Some speculate. however, that Lucas
has concocted these confessions to delay his death sentence.
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